Change Chrome Language and Translate Web Pages > BUSINESS FOR SONS

Change Chrome Language and Translate Web Pages

Change Chrome Language and Translate Web Pages 

You can change the default language in Chrome. You can also translate pages from Chrome.

Translate web pages from Chrome

When you visit a page written in a language you don't know, you can use the following steps to have Chrome translate the page.

1. Open Chrome on your computer.

2.Navigate to a web page written in a different language.

3.On the right side of the address bar, N3uo8UG22d93_BgPvsxC7SpSYvSbYmOZb-5frvrSHunLkPPc0tcfrPgv-ykRyjc5JA=w36-h36click Translate.

4.Click the language you want.

5.Chrome translates the current web page.

Doesn't it work? Try refreshing the web page. If it still doesn't work, right-click anywhere on the page, and then click Translate to Language.

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